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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Week 13

For week 13 class,  we learn on function of text entry, creating multiple choices question and drag & drop

What is the function of text entry?

  • It is for the user to give feedback , and we need to set text as input text. All of this is in the properties panel..
  • For instruction - we need to declare it as static text as it doesn't need input from the user
  • For answer - we need to declare it as input text as it need input from user. Please note to declare at the var inside the properties panel as answer
  • For response - we need to declare it as dynamic text
Summary :  Drag n drop , it's more interaction between user n the software.It is more fun and suitable for creating simple game , while for text entry and multiple choices questions , it's suitable for creating quiz for students .

week 12

 Week 12, we learn to use action script.

There are differences between action script and programming  as below :

Action Script
  • Action script is a simple code. 
  • It is easy to understand 
  • Use simple standard english
  • Much more shorter code  than programming code

  • Need to learn it
  • The code is long programming code
This action script is important when we want to create an animation.One thing to remember, we need to choose action script 2.0 as i made a mistake during the exercise session -choosing 3.0 action script.. and i need to do the exercise back to zero again huhuhu..my mistake..

Before the end of class- another assignment for group assignments.

week 11

This week class , we learn three new function in flash

  • Adding new scene .

Usually by default , there is just one scene automatically been assign by flash. In order to add more scene, choose windows menu , choose other panel and click scene.

  • Insert sound

To insert sound, the steps are similar to insert image into flash- import to library. For sound format- we need to choose small sound format such as MP3. and  in flash 1 seconds it's equal to 12 frames. There is something about edit envelope..wrote it down at my notes but no explanation been wrote down regarding this... ohohoho.. need  to find this out.

  • Tracing Image
This is another favourite  function in flash. By using this tracing function, We can trace favourite image using onion skin and we can color it with our favourite colour. Apart from that, we can manipulate it to make it animate such as blinking the eyes etc.In order to use this onion skin function- insert new keyframe and delete the real picture, to make it easy for us to trace it.

Example of an image that i have trace.

real image

tracing image

Before the end of the class session, one individual assignment been assigned to us.. in two weeks time,each of us need to submit individual flash assignment that consists of all the function that we have learn in the class.

Friday, May 9, 2014

week 10

This week we have revision on using different layer ..Thanks Dr Norasykin...:) ..Now the function of layer is much more clearer to me.. It's better to have different layer for different object created to make it easy for us to manipulate the objects.

Today, we learn to convert any image/button to symbol such as graphic, button or movie clip.
The steps are :

  • create or insert any object at the workspace.
  • select the object and right click using mouse
  • choose convert to symbol
  • choose the appropriate option for the object
  • Finish

If we want to make any changes towards the object such as make it bigger and wider..just choose the modify menu tools and click transform .. there are many options available for us to use.

This tip is for searching image using the search engine such as google or yahoo...To make sure the image is free to use and available for us to modify.. we need to use advanced settings and fill in all the criteria needed for the image that we are looking for.

Another new thing, i also learn doing shape tweening using flash.For me this is very cool indeed..hahaha..love this one..as it seem like very "canggih" ..Shape tweening is the combination of two different shape.. changing shape from the first shape ..rolll ...and rolll..and rolll.. and tara...changing to the next shape...

Then we learn on how to make the bowling seem to be roll over naturally like in real world. For this exercise, we need to save the image as movie clip,then insert keyframe for each changing position that we want to do by changing the positioning of the image .One thing to remember-at the properties panel for motion tween - we need to tick the correct to path option.

Last lesson for this week is doing exercise ant follow the path assign by us. For this exercise, i need more exercise on my own for this.